Speacker: PhD. Mikalai M. Yatskou
From: Belarusian State University
Live date: November 30, 2021
Description:The biomolecular technology progress is directly related to the development of effective methods and algorithms for processing a large amount of information obtained by modern high-throughput experimental equipment. An integrated approach based on the simulation modelling and machine learning algorithms to processing large datasets is proposed. It allows to determine the parameters of biophysical and optical processes occurring in complex biomolecular systems. The use of advanced analysis increases the efficiency of the study of biophysical systems during the analysis of big data.
Speacker: Prof. Igor Aleksandrovich Bessmertnyi
From: ITMO University, Russia
Live date: November 17, 2021
Description:The talk considers the quantum computer organization and quantum calculus from the point of view of an IT engineer. Some myth and misbeliefs related to quantum computer abilities are discussed.
Speacker: Rodrigo Simon Bavaresco
From: UNISINOS a Brazilian Jesuit University
Live date: November 3, 2021
Description:The recent advances in digital technology (e.g., smartphones and wearables) and machine learning techniques can support human health through the addition of psychophysiology. This talk presents descriptions of a context-aware model to retrieve and analyze wearable and smartphone data toward psychophysiological insights. In this sense. the talk discusses aspects of data representation, agent-based modeling, and supervised classification for stress recognition.
Speacker: Jai Suri, Vice President
From: Oracle, IoT and Blockchain Applications Development. US, California
Live date: October 22, 2021
Description:In this video, shares with us current state of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry and lessons which were leraned from experience with enterprise IoT deployments.
Speacker: Dr. Robin Singh Bhadoria
From: Birla Institute of Applied Sciences, India
Live date: May 12, 2021
Description:The Internet of Things (IoT) has given new paradigm edge to industrial techie for new computation aspects for the data analytics services. This also provides new enthusiasm for the technology geeks who are willing to design & develop new horizons in the IoT based applications.
Speacker: Ph.D. Aleksandr Penskoi
From: ITMO University, Russia
Live date: April 29, 2021
Description:The development of complicated software is always associated with many difficulties, problems, and errors. The quality verification process allows us to recognize many of these issues on their occurrence. The organization of automated and holistic verification is an important task for any software development. Especially, it is critical to a pet research project, which involves young specialists who are still learning the art of development. This report is focusing on verification problems and approaches used in the ongoing NITTA project. This project is dedicated to the development of CAD for hard-real time application-specific processors, which used a wide specter of technologies: Verilog (digital circuitry), Haskell (CAD itself), TypeSctipt (rich web application as UI), and in future Rust (control system) and Python (ML-based synthesis method). That raises the main question of the report: continuous integrity checking across different technologies and domains, including end-to-end automated software static typing, Properties-Based Testing, embedded Domain-Specific Languages, co-verification of tools, and target system software and hardware.
Speacker: Dr. Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
From: UNISINOS, Brazil
Live date: April 13, 2021
Description: Time is a strategic aspect when we model context-aware systems. Despite natural and consensual perception of time, the integrated modeling of its dimensions for the development of context-aware software is a recent research topic. Context Histories store the Past, Profile Management allows to model the Present and Context Prediction anticipates the Future. This talk addresses the modeling of these three temporal dimensions, indicates challenges for the treatment of each dimension and discusses a system architecture to manage the temporal aspects in context-aware computing. The following article is a reference to this talk.
Speacker: Dr. Jasminder Kaur Sandhu
From: Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN), Chitkara University, India
Live date: March 23, 2021
Description: Machine Learning (ML) is a well-known innovation that nearly everyone knows about. Market research predicts that the global ML market which is currently around $7.3 Billion in 2020 will expand to $30.6 Billion in 2024. This is great news for Machine Learning and also shows an upward trend in 2021 for this technology. The idea behind these sessions was to give the research fraternity an opportunity to learn technical and general knowledge about the basics of ML and the real-world problems. A hands-on session was also conducted to provide implementation of ML models for both regression and classification using R and Python programming language.
Speacker: Ph.D. Ivan Perl
From: ITMO University, Russia Cloud-Oriented Solutions and Modelling (COSM)
Live date: March 9, 2021
Description: In this talk I'll try to cover key apects in understanding systems complexity and reasons why they may fail. We will follow a jouney that starts from Hegelian dialectics and up to modern works from Grady Booch, Evgeny Sedov and Richard I. Cook. At the end, I hope that listeners will fear less and understand more the meaning of the complixily and its dominating role in entire moden world.